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  Overview        Overview of Expand Library functions
  Legend          Explanation of the codes used
  List            An alfabetical list of all functions

  Disk/Dir/File   Disk, Directory and File related functions
  DOS             DOS and Some OS environment functions
  Mouse 1         "Low Level" Mouse functions
  Mouse 2         "High Level" Mouse functions
  Keyboard        Keyboard routines
  Sound           Sound functions
  Print           Interface to DOS' PRINT command
  Country         COUNTRY.SYS interface functions
  Dial            Dial functions
  File            Some extra binary file functions
  Findfirst/next  Functions for FindFirst/Next searches
  Screen          Screen functions
  String          String functions
  Machine ID      Machine Identification Routines
  Lotus           Lotus 1-2-3 Functions
  Date 1          A set of Date/Time functions ("Low Level")
  Date 2          A set of Date functions ("High Level")
  Environment     Environment Setting/Editing Functions
  EGA/VGA         Some EGA/VGA specific Functions
  Miscellanous 1  Some Miscellanous Functions, Assembly written
  Miscellanous 2  Some general purpose functions, Clipper written
  User Interface  Some ready-to-use User interface routines
  Hex             Hexadecimal conversion routines
  Joystick        Joystick interface

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson